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As I am sure that you all know from the title of this blog that this post and this blog in general is going to be about how I love my wife, Jess. I have been married to her for over a year now and as March 17, 2009 approaches we are approaching out 2 year anniversary! Another key event is going to happen to us very soon – probably sometime with in the first two weeks of November – we are having a baby boy!

We are both so excited about that fact and cannot wait for him to enter the world. I probably think that I am really excited about it because that means that I will get to have some one-on-one interactions with my son that I just can’t have right now. While Jess always gets to hold him, I never do. While Jess always gets to nourish him, I never do. While Jess gets to keep him warm and snugly, I never do. That is all going to change after he is born because then we both to get to do all those things to him!

But I am getting distracted – this blog is about how much I love Jess and as a result I want to include just 15 or so quick little snippets of reasons that I love her:

  1. She is really, really, ridiculously good looking.
  2. Her smile makes my day brighter.
  3. Her eyes make me surge with feelings.
  4. She is kinder than I am.
  5. She is wiser than I am.
  6. She is more thoughtful than I am.
  7. She is just generally better than me (I really married up in the world).
  8. Being Native American, her toes and foot structure fascinate me.
  9. Her hair smells so good.
  10. I love the way she sleeps.

For those who haven’t read the last post, the whole reason I am writing about the ways that I love Jess is because I want her to be able to go on a computer around Christmas 2008, type in the phrase that this blog is all about, and to find this site.

The reason that I am writing this post right here is that for some reason I was at position 7 in the big G and all of a sudden I got kicked out of the index.  This doesn’t make sense to me as this is the only site that I am aware of that is actually only about how much I love Jessica Lynn Mueller.  If that isn’t relevant to a search engine than I don’t know what will be.

It could be that I linked to this site from a totally unrelated blog (it was about finance).  Maybe that triggered something in the algo that said, “This site seems to be about some guys love for some girl named Jess, but it all of a sudden got this link from a totally unrealted site about finance.  This seems like a spammer tactic.  *Blast into the Sandbox of Doom*”  This turn of events could be devestating for my Christmas gift – uhhhhhhh.

Well, I hope Jess knows just how much I love her even if I fail at this.  I mean I could always just say, “Hey Jess, I love you,” but I have a feeling that if I can get my plan to work it would be way awesomer.

I love Jess FTW!

May 2024